Sussex Squash
Online League Management System 2019/2020 Season
Section Rules

Overdue Results Report (Fixtures played 5 or more days ago)
Could Home Teams please bring these up to date as soon as possible.
You will be blocked from entering other match results for your club/section while you have entries on this list

Day Date Time Division Home Team AwayTeam
Tuesday 03-Mar-2020 19:15 DIVISION TWO WEST Middleton III Bluecoat Sports Horsham II
Monday 16-Mar-2020 19:40 DIVISION THREE EAST Lewes I East Grinstead I
Tuesday 17-Mar-2020 19:15 DIVISION TWO WEST Middleton II Chichester R and FC I
Wednesday 18-Mar-2020 19:40 DIVISION THREE EAST Weald I Dolphin II
Thursday 19-Mar-2020 19:20 DIVISION TWO WEST Midhurst I Bluecoat Sports Horsham II
Thursday 19-Mar-2020 19:10 DIVISION FOUR EAST Virgin Active Brighton I Corals VII
Thursday 19-Mar-2020 19:30 DIVISION ONE University Squash I Corals III
Thursday 19-Mar-2020 19:30 DIVISION THREE WEST The West Worthing Club IV Littlehampton II
Friday 20-Mar-2020 19:15 DIVISION TWO WEST The West Worthing Club I Corals V
Monday 23-Mar-2020 19:30 DIVISION THREE WEST The West Worthing Club III Littlehampton I
Thursday 26-Mar-2020 19:10 DIVISION FOUR EAST Virgin Active Brighton I Lewes II
Thursday 26-Mar-2020 19:20 DIVISION THREE WEST Midhurst II Bognor II
Friday 27-Mar-2020 19:40 DIVISION FOUR EAST Weald II Corals VII
Friday 27-Mar-2020 19:15 DIVISION THREE WEST Littlehampton II Horsham III
Friday 27-Mar-2020 19:15 DIVISION TWO WEST Middleton II Bluecoat Sports Horsham II
Monday 30-Mar-2020 19:40 DIVISION THREE EAST Lewes I Weald I
Tuesday 31-Mar-2020 19:15 DIVISION TWO WEST Middleton III The West Worthing Club II
Thursday 02-Apr-2020 19:20 DIVISION FOUR EAST Lewes II Dolphin III
Thursday 02-Apr-2020 19:30 DIVISION FIVE EAST Nutley II Dunnings S and RC IV
Thursday 02-Apr-2020 19:30 DIVISION ONE University Squash I Dolphin I
Friday 03-Apr-2020 19:20 DIVISION TWO EAST Acorns Copthorne Squash Club II Corals VI
Friday 03-Apr-2020 19:15 DIVISION TWO WEST The West Worthing Club I Midhurst I
Monday 06-Apr-2020 19:30 DIVISION THREE EAST Nutley I Dunnings S and RC III
Tuesday 07-Apr-2020 19:15 DIVISION TWO WEST Middleton II Horsham II
Wednesday 08-Apr-2020 19:15 DIVISION THREE WEST Middleton IV The West Worthing Club III
Thursday 09-Apr-2020 19:20 DIVISION THREE WEST Midhurst II Littlehampton I
